There are several reasons an individual may have a clogged ear(s). Assuming that:
- There’s no pain in the ear that might indicate an ear infection
- There are no other symptoms such as sinus pain or an upper respiratory infection
- You don’t typically experience ear issues
A clogged ear is likely due to earwax buildup. Earwax is an important part of a healthy ear, but an abundance of earwax can cause a clogged feeling and decreased hearing ability.
Your OrlandoENT specialist can help to safely remove excess earwax. Alternately, you may try to remove the earwax at home using drops and an earwax syringe. Be sure to follow the instructions to avoid accidentally damaging the fragile inner parts of your ear.
If you find that there isn’t an excess buildup of earwax, the nerve in the ear that’s responsible for hearing may have been damaged, contributing to a full or clogged feeling. If this is the case, it’s important to seek ENT medical attention immediately as there’s only a small window of time in which the damage may be reversed.