Chronic sinus sufferers here in Central Florida are finding relief in advanced technology. Traditional treatment plans involve surgery, steroids, or even several vicious rounds of oral antibiotics, all of which can be very taxing on the body. 

With over 35 million people in the United States affected by Sinusitis, it is the most common health problem. 

Orlando Ears, Nose & Throat welcomes the newest minimally invasive endoscopic technology. Balloon Sinuplasty enlarges the opening of the sinuses, reduce blockages and improves sinus drainage. 

Unlike traditional sinus surgery, balloon sinuplasty does not require any incisions, or damage surrounding tissue, it has less bleeding, and a shorter recovery time. Since Balloon Sinuplasty is minimally invasive, it is reported to have less complications than surgery.

What is Sinusitis?

“When you have acute or chronic sinusitis, the mucous membranes of your nose, sinuses and throat become inflamed, possibly from a pre-existing cold or allergies. Swelling obstructs the sinus openings and prevents normal mucus drainage, causing mucus and pressure to build up. Symptoms include: drainage of a thick, yellow or greenish discharge from the nose or down the back of the throat; nasal obstruction or congestion; tenderness and swelling around the eyes, cheeks, nose and forehead; and/or a reduced sense of smell and taste.” Balloon Sinuplasty technology by Acclarent. 

What is Balloon Sinuplasty?

The patient is placed under general anesthesia or local anesthetic, a sinus illumination system with laser tipped guides keep the area well lit so that the doctor can see the site accurately. The physician inserts a guide catheter, that is attached to a wire an a small balloon, through the nostril and near the sinus opening. The catheter, is then inserted to cleanse the sinus with a saline solution. After the opening of the affected sinus is cleared, the balloon is deflated and removed, but the sinus remains open. The catheter restores normal sinus drainage, keeps post operative pain, and bleeding to a minimum. Most patients can return home, the day of the procedure. 

Studies indicate that most patients experience continues sinus health up to 2. Years after the procedure. 

Is Balloon Sinuplasty right for you?

Contact Orlando Ears Nose & Throat and find out why so many patients have found relief from chronic sinusitis symptoms with Balloon Sinuplasty.

Most insurance companies cover the cost of Balloon Sinuplasty, but to ensure coverage contact your insurance provider for the specifics of your policy.

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