Young children, especially, maybe very prone to nosebleeds and it can be difficult to tell if the nosebleed is serious or not. Some common causes of nosebleeds include
- Cold or allergies, which can irritate the inside of the nose
- Low air humidity, especially in the home, which can dry out the lining of the nose
- Accidents, where your child hit his or her nose, put something into it, picked it too deeply, or blew too hard
- Polyps or growths, which are usually benign but should be checked by a doctor and treated
- Medications that thin blood, like aspirin, which can cause clotting problems
If your child does have a nosebleed, try to remain calm. Scaring or exciting him or her will only likely make it worse. Have your child sit or stand, not lie down, bend slightly forward, and gently blow into a tissue or towel. Gently but firmly hold the bottom of your child’s nose for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, check if it’s still bleeding. If so, pinch for another 10 minutes. If the bleeding hasn’t stopped after 20 minutes, it’s time to contact your ENT professional or visit your nearest emergency medical facility.
Contact your pediatrician immediately if your child is also bleeding from the mouth, coughing or vomiting blood, or if the blood looks brown.